From 2024, Viermie K has operational support from Kultur i Norr (Region Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and region Jämtland Härjedalen). The annual general meeting was held in February, on Contact tab you can check out the board, which has received some new faces. During Ubmejen Biejvieh / Sami week in Umeå, The 5th Cultural Policy Summit was held, see it afterwards by clicking on the link below.
The 5th Cultural Policy Summit (Youtube)
The funding for the year was fully secured in the second quarter. However, starting from 2024, Viermie K enjoys a different level of stability, thanks to the decision from Kultur i Norr (Region Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland, and Region Jämtland Härjedalen) to grant operational support for the next three years. Among the highlights of 2023 are the meeting with Sámi actors in Arvidsjaur, the collaboration with Sámiráđđi in organizing KulturSápmi in Enare in September, and our participation in the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions cultural meeting in Skellefteå in October. In November, a collaboration with Riksteatern was established, and we contributed with yoikers and panels at Scenkonstdagarna (Performing Arts Days) in Östersund. Additionally, the board has responded to consultations, participated in consultations, and served as advisors.
The first year of operation after the formation of the Viermie K economic association - an important step on the way to a permanent organization. In February, we released the report "Conditions for Sami culture" which shows an underfunded cultural life. In Gällivare in August, we were part of KULTURSÁPMI:s program i in collaboration with Sámiráđđi/Saami Council. The year ends with a Sami culture day, a concert with Mari Boine and The 4th Sami Cultural Policy Summit at Södra teatern in Stockholm.
Program Summit (PDF)The 4th Sami Cultural Policy (Youtube)
Through an agreement with Kultur i Norr, Viermie K has formalized the network and hired a part-time coordinator. We arranged a digital political summit and meetings in Jokkmokk and in Östersund. Due to covid-19, all meetings were broadcast digitally with the possibility of interactivity. In addition, the survey "Conditions for Sami culture" was made about the situation and needs of the Sami cultural institutions, as well as proposals for measures. In the time until the Viermie K economic association was formed in December 2021, Giron Sámi Teáhter, through their national scene project, was the home of the organization.
Invitation 3rd Summit 2021 (PDF)
3rd Sami Culture Policy Summit (Youtube)
Debattartikel Östersundsposten 6 februari 2020
The Viermie K network was founded in 2019 to pursue common issues and become an explicit partner for the outside world. The initiators were Aejlies, Giron Sámi Teáhter, the Sámi association in Stockholm, Stiftelsen Gaaltije, Såhkie – Umeå Sámi association and Tjállegoahte. Culture in the North, cultural collaboration between the regions of Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Jämtland Härjedalen raised funds and commissioned a survey of Sami cultural life, the initiative was presented at a meeting in Östersund in December.
The Sámi Parliament, Sámi cultural profiles and others meet in a conversation about the future.
Invitation (PDF)Folk och kultur invigning på Facebook (Time: 18:55 - 27:57 Jörgen Stenberg, 27:57 - 37:09 Maja Bonta).
Filmed program by Region Västerbotten